Well luckily today I'm gonna keep this short. And maybe I'm right in my opinion, maybe I'm wrong. I kept seeing ads on Youtube and what not for this movie. Looked decent. I know Emma Roberts. I know Hilary Swank. Why not? The movie is about a group of people who strand 12 people in the middle of no where and hunt them for sport. We don't really know much about these people other than they are rumored to be rich liberals. That's right. You heard it here, first folks. The liberals are the enemy. Which made me really wonder if this was a horror comedy or not. Apparently not. So many jokes about political correctness, and privilege and snowflakes. I can't tell if it's a liberal writer poking fun at extremists or just a right-wing looking at liberals as the problem in the world. Hunting on poor old rednecks. The first 30 minutes everything happens so fast, which I mean is kinda cool. Get a bunch of kills over with. Nice and graphic. Absolutely no character building. Kill after kill after kill. Keep moving, keep running. I'm going to spoil it based solely on the fact that the movie just turns into the kitchen fighting scene in the beginning of Kill Bill. There is some lame reference to Animal Farm and then the movie is over. We learned nothing. We hardly were entertained. I don't believe or trust anyone who said this was good. Next.