I had seen this movie a while ago and it's really great. (You can stop there, review over.) My friend Matt originally suggested I watched it cause it was on Netflix. But just recently I was reminded by my good pals Steph and Elliot! So thanks! Like I said, this movie is really great. I previously did a review of a movie called Bliss. Devil's Candy obviously came out first, but I can see the obvious inspiration that Bliss had from this movie. As the male lead we have sweet baby Ethan Embry. Remember him from that precious classic rom-com I failed to see for many years 'Can't Hardly Wait'. He also starred in a tonne of TV since, but I almost forgot about him until I saw this movie. In fact, I didn't even hardly recognize him. Other than his greasy-ass hair he looks damn good. Hell yeah Ethan.
So a cool thing for me is that this movie has a really cool soundtrack. There is always some like rad metal playing in the background. It includes tracks from Metallica, Pantera, Slayer and Sunn O))). The beginning starts with two old folks in an old house. Their son loves to play his guitar really fucking loud and they hate it. I guess one night the dad somehow gets possessed by, you know, the devil. He pushes his wife down the stairs and then offs himself. They leave the kid. The guitar kid. Who ends up, in the future, being this creepy-ass stalker who rolls around in a red sweat suit. And yeah, he's been through some trauma, so he's not going to be a real stable character obviously.
Ethan Embry, the lead, is a husband and father. He is also an artist. They move into this house where this tragedy happened and somehow Jesse (Ethan's character) gets really, really obsessed with his painting. Like overly obsessed. He loses all concept of time and reality and starts painting things he doesn't even remember painting. This obviously contributes to him being a terrible parent, and having no responsibility to his wife or kid. To make the story interesting Ray (creepy sweatsuit guy), decides to start coming back around the house, feeling some obligation to it because he used to live there. The problem is that his trauma has obviously fucked him up and he is a child serial killer and he is trying to prey on Jesse's daughter. This movie doesn't have a tonne of gore. It doesn't have jump scares. It's pretty slow. But it's really beautiful. The acting is very good. Though it is predictable, I do believe it's worth watching. If you're looking for an intense Satanic metal serial killer-vibe kind of movie. This is a hit.