I just finished this literally 5 minutes ago, and my heart is still racing. I swear to God. This movie just scared the living shit out of me. I was REALLY not expecting this. With my Shudder subscription, I'll pretty much give any Shudder original a try, they have yet to disappoint me (as far as the ones I've seen anyway). Didn't have high expectations for this one. It's 56 minutes long. Just one billion spooks packed in under an hour. There was no boring backstory, no lame dragging dialogue or anything like that. I kind of confused it that "Friend Request" movie? Or maybe it was called "Unfriended" - where everyone is in a Skype meeting together and weird shit happens. But I was wrong. Brand new movie. Based on the current times. Quarantine and all. Isolation. Zoom meetings with your buddies!
Anyways these 5 gals and 1 duder invite a professional like seance guide to help them contact spirits while they're all alone in their houses. Cause I mean, that seems like a reasonable fun evening plan for quarantine. Why not? And honestly what better way to film a movie during this time. It's very relatable for anyone that uses Zoom to talk with their friends, and they probably hardly had to use any budget at all cause it's all filmed on phones or computers.
I won't go into it too much - cause the movie isn't even an hour. But it's GODDAMN SCARY. I jumped so many times, it got me so stressed out, I was expecting less and less of the scares as the movie went on. It's sorta like Paranormal Activity, but more scares just keep happening and they're all like off your expected timing. I screamed. Out loud. My room mate is going away for a few days now and so I'm going to be scared shitless alone in my house. CAN'T WAIT. Do it. Watch it. It's real stressful. Like in the good way for once. Happy Quarantining!